Managing Partner

Business and Economic Development

Doyletech Corporation Senior Consultant


Economics, Analytics, Industrial and Regional Science, Economic Impact

Doyletech Corporation Senior Consultant

Chief of IP Policy

Intellectual Property Management and Technology Transfer

Doyletech Corporation Senior Consultant

Chief Technology Strategist

Market Investigation and Emerging Technologies

Doyletech Corporation Senior Consultant

Chief Entrepreneur

Business and Entrepreneurial Services

Doyletech Corporation Senior Consultant

We Are Accountable.

We take ownership in the quality of our work and can be counted on to deliver.

We Embrace Change.

We are unafraid of questioning assumptions and believe that growth and innovation flourish when challenging the status-quo.

We Commit To Our Customer.

In all that we do, our customer is our priority. We are fanatical about serving both our internal and external customers.

Making Technology Happen TM

Economics and Economic Impact, Industrial Analysis, Technology Commercialization, Business Planning, IP Management, Strategic Management, Economic Development

What Our
Clients Are Saying

Bio-Stream Diagnostics Inc.

This was no ordinary marketing report [that Doyletech developed] – it was a hyper focused look at detailed profiles of our market, and the influencers.”

John Murphy,


Anderson Soublière Inc.

Glenn is a person of integrity who strives to provide value to all of those with whom he has relationships. As such, it is always a pleasure to associate with him.

Jean-Pierre Soublière,



Thank you so much for your great support when I first started TalentMap. I have learned a great deal from your experience building Canadian firms over the last 40 years.

Sean Fitzpatrick,


Larus Technologies

Doyletech has provided Larus with immeasurable help in moving our company forward and has provided excellent expert advice on many of the business decisions and strategies that Larus has undertaken.

George DiNardo,


Doyletech FAQs

Why Doyletech?

Doyletech differentiates itself from the current array of business consultants by working closely with its clients to deliver practical, measurable, and sustainable results. We are personally committed to exceeding client expectations. As suggested by our trademarked tagline, Making Technology Happen, we specialize in helping clients turn technology into wealth. This includes not only technology startups and large multinationals, but also government departments and agencies at all levels who wish to maximize their return on investment. We are specialists in economic impact assessment, market validation, and economic development/industrial analysis at both the regional and rural levels.

When was Doyletech Founded?

Doyletech was federally-incorporated in 1982 by Dr. Denzil Doyle.

Why the Tagline Making Technology Happen?

All of Doyletech’s founders and partners have been actively engaged in the creation and development of Canadian technology companies and we have been involved in the successful commercialization of technology from various government labs and entities across Canada. Such firms include Mitel, Newbridge Networks, Med-Eng Systems, Instantel Inc., TalentMap, TravelPod, BTI, Gennum Corp, MDI, International Datacasting, among others. This hands-on experience in making technology happen frames our consulting activities.

Does Doyletech Provide Investment Capital?

Historically, Doyletech has invested in early-stage companies across Canada. We are always on the lookout for new investment opportunities. We have a network of angel investors that we co-invest with.

What is Your Experience with Spin-offs?

Doyletech has advised on or structured several spinout situations, for both public and private sector clients. For example, we conceived and implemented a strategy to spin-out new companies from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon (and other entities) several years ago.

Established, Emerging, and
Embryonic Industries.

Doyletech has recently worked in the following sectors: quantum, semiconductors, silicon photonics, advanced biofuels, bioprocessing, biobutanaol, astronomy, space, aerospace, and defence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, software, flexible electronics, adaptive optics, artifical intelligence, electronics manufacturing services, telecommunications, geomatics, advanced and composite materials, critical minerals, mining supply and services, sensors and sensor networks, laser and imaging, creative and cultural industries, hybrid and nomad work, among others.

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