Boeing’s Canadian Partnerships: An Economic Impact Perspective

Doyletech Corporation has completed an economic impact analysis for The Boeing Company for its bid on the Canadian Multi-Mission Aircraft (CMMA) project. Our analysis indicates that the selection of the P-8 Poseidon for Canada’s Multi-Mission Aircraft (CMMA) requirement would generate annual benefits of nearly 3,000 jobs and $358 million in economic output to Canada.

“CMMA / P-8: Forecasted to generate an annual economic benefit of 2,900 Canadian jobs and $358 million to Canada.“

See the Boeing press release: Boeing: Boeing Canada – News Release

A summary of key findings is provided in the following PDF: PowerPoint Presentation (

Our work involved three inter-related assessments. First, we measured the baseline economic impact of Boeing’s activities in Canada. Second, we used some of the base data to evaluate the incremental impact that Boeing would bring to Canada, if it were the successful proponent of the CMMA project. The third component highlighted the catalytic spillover effects of the CMMA project in terms of R&D and Technological Advancement Initiatives, and Community and Cluster Development Supports.

Over the last ten years, Doyletech has completed a variety of economic imnpact studies for Boeing. Some of these have assessed particular projects, or facilities, while some have linked Boeing’s Canadian activties with national science, R&D, and technology/cluster development goals.



